Element Overview: MARC Bibliographic

Elements in bold are designated "Core" in LC-PCC PS or "routinely record" in the MLA Best Practices.

Identifiers (MARC: 02x)

  • Manifestation: identifier for manifestation
    • Manifestation: publisher number for notated music
    • Manifestation: plate number for notated music
  • Manifestation: identifier for expression
  • Work: ISSN
Table 1. Identifier Summary
Identifier Type1 Field Indicator 1
identifier for manifestation
(ISBN) 020 #
Note: May be used for 10-character (beginning with M) and 13-character (beginning with 979-0) ISMNs.
024 2
(UPC) 024 1
(International Article Number (EAN))
Note: Formerly European Article Number. EANs, JANs (Japanese Article Numbers), and 13-digit ISMNs all conform to the GTIN-13 standard and may be recorded in 024 3x.
024 3
(Issue number (publisher number) for sound recordings) 028 0
(Matrix number for sound recordings) 028 1
(Video recording publisher number) 028 4
(Distributor number) 028 6
plate number for notated music 028 2
publisher number for notated music 028 3
identifier for expression
(International Standard Recording Code (ISRC))
Note: ISRCs, when present, are assigned per each individual track, not per album.
024 0
ISSN 022 #

Principal agent or MARC uniform title (MARC: 1xx)

  • Work: creator agent of work (or narrower element)
  • Work: authorized access point for work (mixed or no responsibility)
  • Expression: authorized access point for expression (mixed or no responsibility)
Note: LC-PCC practice for relationship elements: Do not record the name of the element in 100/110/700/710 $e or $i or 111/711 $j in the MARC bibliographic format, or in 500/510/511 $i in the authority format. Instead, record the corresponding PCC relationship label for the element.
Table 2. Principal Agent Summary
Element Field Subfield(s)
creator agent of work 100 $a $b $c $d $q
110 $a $b
authorized access point for work/expression 130 $a $p $k

Title information and associated statements of responsibility (MARC: 245)

  • Manifestation: title of manifestation
    Note: This element is usually not recorded in favor of its more specific element subtypes, but the element page contains instructions and policy statements applicable to one or more narrower elements.
    • Manifestation: title proper
      • Manifestation: parallel title proper
    • Manifestation: variant title of manifestation
  • Manifestation: other title information
    • Manifestation: parallel other title information
  • Manifestation: statement of responsibility
    Note: This element is usually not recorded in favor of its more specific element subtypes, but the element page contains instructions and policy statements applicable to one or more narrower elements.
    • Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to title proper
    • Manifestation: parallel statement of responsibility relating to title proper
Table 3. Title and Statement of Responsibility Summary
Element Field Subfield(s)
title proper 245

$a $n $p

*$c (see note)

*740 (see note) $a $n $p
parallel title proper 245 $b
other title information 245 $b
parallel other title information 245 $b
statement of responsibility relating to title proper 245 $c
parallel statement of responsibility relating to title proper 245 $c
variant title of manifestation 246 $a $b $n $p
*740 (see note) $a $n $p
Note: In certain cases involving compilations lacking a collective title, titles proper subsequent to the first must be recorded in $c because no further subfielding is permitted once $c has been recorded. In such cases, also record titles proper subsequent to the first (and any desired variants) in separate instances of field 740, second indicator value 2, to insure proper indexing.

For detailed guidance and examples of complex parallel data, consult Supplements to Best Practices for Music Cataloging Using RDA and MARC21 Supplement 2: Recording Parallel Data Using ISBD in MARC and Minimally Punctuated MARC.

Record variant titles in field 246 using indicator values 13, 1_ with an explanatory note in $i, or other values according to local practice, as appropriate.

Edition (MARC: 250)

  • Manifestation: edition statement
    Note: This is a superelement. It is recorded by recording one or more of its subelements rather than recording it directly.
    • Manifestation: designation of edition
      • Manifestation: parallel designation of edition
    • Manifestation: designation of named revision of edition
      • Manifestation: parallel designation of named revision of edition
    • Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to edition
      • Manifestation: parallel statement of responsibility relating to edition
    • Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition
      • Manifestation: parallel statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition
Table 4. Edition Statement Summary
Element Subfield Notes
designation of edition $a Record separate designations of editions in separate instances of field 250.
parallel designation of edition $b
designation of named revision of edition $a or $b If separate from a designation of edition, record in $a of a separate field 250. If grammatically linked to the designation of edition, record in $a following the designation of edition, separated by a comma. If subordinate to but not grammatically linked to a designation of edition or designation of named revision of edition, record in $b.
parallel designation of named revision of edition $b
statement of responsibility relating to edition $b
parallel statement of responsibility relating to edition $b
statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition $b
parallel statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition $b

Physical description (MARC: 300)

  • Manifestation: extent of manifestation
  • Manifestation: dimensions
Table 5. Physical Description Summary
Element Field Subfield
extent of manifestation 300 $a
dimensions 300 $c
340 $b
007/05 (audio) ($g)
007/06 (audio tape) ($h)

Other manifestation and expression characteristics (MARC: 3xx)

  • Manifestation: applied material
  • Manifestation: base material
  • Manifestation: carrier type
  • Manifestation: digital file characteristic
    Note: This element is usually not recorded in favor of its more specific element subtypes, but the element page contains instructions and policy statements applicable to one or more narrower elements.
    • Manifestation: encoding format
    • Manifestation: file type
    • Manifestation: regional encoding
  • Manifestation: generation
  • Manifestation: illustrative content
  • Manifestation: media type
  • Manifestation: production method
  • Manifestation: sound characteristic
    Note: This element is usually not recorded in favor of its more specific element subtypes, but the element page contains instructions and policy statements applicable to one or more narrower elements.
    • Manifestation: configuration of playback channels
    • Manifestation: groove characteristic
      • Manifestation: groove pitch
      • Manifestation: groove width
    • Manifestation: playing speed
    • Manifestation: recording medium
    • Manifestation: special playback characteristic
    • Manifestation: track configuration
    • Manifestation: tape configuration
    • Manifestation: type of recording
  • Expression: content type
  • Expression: duration
  • Expression: form of musical notation
  • Expression: format of notated music
Table 6. Other Manifestation and Expression Characteristics Summary
Element Field(s) Subfield(s)2
applied material 340 $c
007/10* (audio; see note) ($k)
base material 340 $a
007/10* (audio; see note) ($k)
carrier type 338 $a
content type 336 $a
digital file characteristic
encoding format 347 $b
file type 347 $a
regional encoding 347 $e
generation 340 $j
illustrative content 340 $p
media type 337 $a
production method 340 $d
sound characteristic
configuration of playback channels 344 $g
007/04 (audio) ($e)
007/08 (video) ($i)
groove pitch; groove width 344 $d
007/05 ($f)
playing speed 007/03 ($d)
344 $c
300 $b
recording medium 344 $b
special playback characteristic 344 $h
007/12 ($m)
track configuration 344 $e
tape configuration 344 $f
007/08 ($i)
type of recording 344 $a
duration 008/18-20 (video)
300 (audio/video) $a
306 $a
500 $a
505 $a or $g
form of musical notation 348 $c
546 $b
format of notated music 348 $a
Note: For sound recordings, 007 byte 10 (kind of material) defines codes for applied material, base material, and applied and base materials together. Not all audio carriers have a valid combination of materials defined. See Supplements to Best Practices for Music Cataloging Using RDA and MARC21, Supplement 1: Guidelines for Describing and Encoding Attributes of Audio Recording Carriers.

Series statement (MARC: 490) and tracing (MARC: 8xx)

  • Manifestation: series statement
    Note: This is a superelement. It is recorded by recording one or more of its subelements rather than recording it directly.
    • Manifestation: title of series
      • Manifestation: parallel title of series
    • Manifestation: other title information of series
      • Manifestation: parallel other title information of series
    • Manifestation: statement of responsibility relating to series
      Note: Routinely record the element if the series represents the complete or selected works of a single composer.
      • Manifestation: parallel statement of responsibility relating to series
    • Manifestation: numbering within sequence
  • Work: subseries
  • Work: authorized access point for work
  • Work: ISSN

For series access points, see Relationship information (MARC: 7xx).

Table 7. Series Statement Summary
Element Subfield Position
title of series $a First $a
parallel title of series $a Following the title of series (separate $a)
other title information of series $a Following the title of series (same $a)
parallel other title information of series $a Following the title or parallel title of series it pertains to (same $a)
statement of responsibility relating to series $a Following the title, other title information, and/or subseries it pertains to (same $a)
parallel statement of responsibility relating to series $a Following the parallel title, parallel other title, and/or subseries it pertains to (same $a)
numbering within sequence $v Following all $a $x $y $z for series or subseries
subseries $a

If series is numbered or if ISSN is recorded: following all $a $v $x $y $z for the parent series

If series is unnumbered and no ISSN is recorded: following title or parallel title of series (same $a)

ISSN $x Following all $a and preceding $v for series or subseries
(invalid ISSNs) $y Following all $a and preceding $v for series or subseries
(canceled ISSNs) $z Following all $a and preceding $v for series or subseries

If a manifestation belongs to two or more series (that are not parent series and subseries), record each series in a separate instance of field 490.

Table 8. Series Tracing Summary
Element Tag Subfield(s) Scope

authorized access point for work

800 $a $b $c $d $q $t $k $l $m $n $o $r $s Access point for a work manifested as a series collecting works by a single creator
830 $a $b $t $k $f $l $m $n $o $r $s Access point for a work manifested as a series collecting works that do not have a single creator
numbering within sequence 8xx $v Volume enumeration, if traced
subseries 8xx $p Subseries, if traced and entered subordinately to the main series rather than under its own title
ISSN 8xx $x Valid ISSNs only

Notes and other descriptive content (MARC: 5xx)

  • Manifestation: note on manifestation
    • Manifestation: note on title
    • Manifestation: note on statement of responsibility
    Note: All narrower elements of Manifestation: note on manifestation have been soft-deprecated by the RDA Steering Committee. Although there are no immediate plans to remove those elements, in the future instructions specific to those narrower elements may be subsumed into Manifestation: note on manifestation or migrated to policy statements.
  • Manifestation: equipment or system requirement
  • Manifestation: expression manifested
  • Manifestation: manifestation described in
  • Expression: capture information
    • Expression: note on capture
  • Expression: date of capture
  • Expression: expression described in
  • Expression: form of notation
    • Expression: script
    Note: LC-PCC core for certain language/script combinations. For form of musical notation, see Other manifestation and expression characteristics (MARC: 3xx).
  • Expression: intended audience of expression
    Note: LC-PCC core for juvenile resources.
  • Expression: language of expression
  • Expression: place of capture
  • Work: dissertation or thesis information
    Note: This is a superelement. It is recorded by recording one or more of its subelements rather than recording it directly.
    • Work: academic degree
    • Work: degree granting institution
    • Work: year degree granted
  • Work: work described in
Table 9. Notes Summary
Element Tag Subfield(s) Scope
note on manifestation 500 $a Notes for which no more specific field is appropriate
504 $a $b Notes on bibliographies, discographies, or other included bibliographic references
520 $a $b $c Summaries, abstracts, etc.
note on title 500 $a Source of title, if required by LC-PCC PS
note on capture 500 $a If 518 $d, $o, and/or $p are used
518 $a If 518 $d, $o, and/or $p are not used
dissertation or thesis information 502 $a Full text of a thesis or dissertation statement. Prefer recording narrower elements or subelements separately in more specific subfields rather than in $a unless required by local policy.
academic degree 502 $b Degree type
degree granting institution 502 $c Name of granting institution
year degree granted 502 $d Year of degree
expression manifested 505 $a or $t Contents notes for collection aggregates or manifestations of works with named parts
note on statement of responsibility 508 $a Artistic or technical creation/production credits, including agents not named in a statement of responsibility
511 $a Performer or participant credits, including agents not named in a statement of responsibility
work, expression, or manifestation described in 510 $a $c Citations to reference works discussing the work, expression, or manifestation
capture information 518 $a Notes on place and/or date of recording for one or more expressions. Prefer recording narrower elements or subelements separately in more specific subfields rather than in $a unless required by local policy.
date of capture 518 $d Date(s) of recording for one or more expressions
place of capture 518 $p Place(s) of recording for one or more expressions
intended audience of expression 521 $a $b Notes on the target age, grade level, proficiency level, etc. of the intended audience
equipment or system requirement 538 $a Notes on format and/or playback requirements for video carriers or nonstandard or specialized audio carriers
language of expression 546 $a Notes on language(s) of the primary content of the resource
script 546 $b Script(s) of primary content. For form of musical notation, prefer field 348 $c unless required by local policy.

Relationship information (MARC: 7xx)

  • Agent: creator agent of expression (and narrower elements)
    • Collective Agent: creator collective agent of expression (and narrower elements)
      • Corporate Body: creator corporate body of expression (and narrower elements)
      • Family: creator family of expression (and narrower elements)
    • Person: creator person of expression (and narrower elements)
  • Expression: authorized access point for expression
  • Expression: expression manifested
  • Work: authorized access point for work
  • Work: related agent (person, etc.) of work (and narrower elements)
  • Work: related work of work (and narrower elements)
Note: LC-PCC practice for relationship elements: Do not record the name of the element in 100/110/700/710 $e or $i or 111/711 $j in the MARC bibliographic format, or in 500/510/511 $i in the authority format. Instead, record the corresponding PCC relationship label for the element.
Table 10. Relationship Information Summary
Element Tag Subfield(s) Scope

creator agent (person, etc.) of expression (and narrower elements)

related agent (person, etc.) of work (and narrower elements)

700 $a $b $c $d $q Personal name authorized access point
$e Agent-to-resource relationship information
710 $a $b Non-conference/meeting/event corporate body authorized access point
$e Agent-to-resource relationship information
711 $a $ b$c $d $q Meeting/conference/event authorized access point
$j Agent-to-resource relationship information

authorized access point for work/expression

expression manifested

related work of work (and narrower elements)

700 $a $b $t $k $l $m $n $o $p $r $s Authorized access point for work (for representative expressions) or expression (for non-representative expressions) created by a person
$i Resource-to-resource relationship information
710 $a $b $t $k $l $m $n $o $p $r $s Authorized access point for work (for representative expressions) or expression (for non-representative expressions) created by a corporate body
$i Resource-to-resource relationship information
730 $a $t $k $l $m $n $o $p $r $s Authorized access point for work (for representative expressions) or expression (for non-representative expressions) that cannot be qualified by a creator
$i Resource-to-resource relationship information
1 Identifier types specified in the MARC format but not in RDA given in parentheses.
2 OCLC-specific mnemonic subfields given in parentheses.